Wilkin: I need but a moment in private.
Isabel: And that will happen when pigs learn to dance!

So you choose who lives and who dies? Well, you must be so relieved to be down from that dreadful cross!


I know the burden of your soul. I recognize it as my own. I do not know if what I feel for you is God's will or the work of a clever demon. But I am certain, Wilkin Brattle, that whatever the case may be, it is the thing for which I've been waiting. It is the other girl I hear in my heart. The other life that lives in the shadow of my own.


With every new piece of truth, I grow more bewildered, good woman.

Father Ruskin

I know you think of me as a simple demon. But you know a mere glimpse of me, Wilkin. I have lived many hard lives. And I survived by seeing the shadow of the axe before it falls.


It seems you and the good baron share a deep, poetic connection. It's as if you were reading each other's thoughts. And perhaps writing them down and rehearsing them as well.

Baroness [to Milus]

My name is Wilkin Brattle. I was a knight in Longshanks' army. Ventris was my commander. He sent me and my legion into an ambush of certain death. I was spared by a miracle and fled to your land... only to be roused again, in blood.


And so we have vengeance.


Lady Love: I saw the birth of a boy. When I touched your wound that night. A vision. It lasted but a moment but it was... fit and clear. I sensed you saw it as well.
Wilkin: No, milady, I... felt only the pain of my wound.

Brothers, please! We are family, are we not?


Lady Love: May our savior keep you safe, Griffy.
Gruffudd: Of course he will. Jesus was a rebel.

Lady Love: I have your word brother that we do this together
Gruffudd: Yes. An alliance of noble and outlaw. It is rather poetic.
Lady Love: Poetry will not keep our necks from the king's axe.

The Bastard Executioner Season 1 Quotes

God has put him on our path.


Brattle: I am devoted. Your servant.
Angel: You have a destiny to claim.
Brattle: Tell me, heavenly one. Tell me what you'll have me do.
Angel: It is time to lay down the sword, Wilkin Brattle. Your savior needs you to live the life of a different man.