Raven: So, Sheidheda's alive and Madi is in a nuclear reactor? You did good.
Murphy: All of our friends are missing and Bellamy's a sheep? So did you.

We, on the other hand, know the love between individuals. What it makes us do. The highs and the lows of it.


You look good in white.


Clarke: Today, I am standing in front of my best friend, who I thought was dead, and I don't even recognize him.
Bellamy: Clarke, I am the same person who brought you back from the dead. Who refused to give up on you.

And now I am trying to save you! All of you! Clarke, if you don't tell me where it is ... they will execute all of you. Please let me help.


Echo: Is it more important than us?
Bellamy: ...Yes.

Conductor: Sweet Shepherd.
Bellamy: He's not here. I'm all you've got.

It is through no higher power that you are alive right now. It is through me. It is because of me.


I read it. Sure, it helped pass the hours, but I gotta say the message? Doesn't add up.


Never travel to another planet without something to read. Even if it is pocket propaganda for another false god.


Bellamy: I'm stuck here with you while everyone I love: Octavia, Echo, Clarke are all alive, they are just out of reach. Sometimes, Bellamy Blake, irony can be funny. This is not one of those times.

I love my way for a time, but I never actually believed I was a god.


The 100 Quotes

Miller: What does it mean?
Bellamy: It means Clarke's alive. And we're gonna get her back.

Bryan: Are we ever gonna be done fighting?
Miller: Hell yes. We're gonna build a house on a lake. We're gonna plant corn. And raise chickens. And grow old.