Tess! Tess! I know it's you. What are you doing here?


You know, one of these days, he's going to see you for who you really are. Just like I do. They all are.

Sophie [to Harrison]

James: I was trying to protect you.
Sophie: That doesn't change what happened.

James: He was a cop, Harrison. And you killed him.
Harrison: If you thought I was so fucking wrong to do what I did, then why didn't you just fucking tell her? Huh?
James: I was protecting you. She never could have turned her own husband in, but you? You would have gone to jail, so I took the fucking hit for you. I guess that was my biggest mistake.
Harrison: Well, now you've lost us both. Enjoy your fucking life, buddy. Have fun. Fuck you.

Hannah: This case was uncharted territory for me. For a long time, I wasn't sure we'd succeed. Normally, a therapist's work is all about unpacking the past. We didn't have that.
Sophie: No, we didn't.
Hannah: It takes a lot of strength to see how that can be a gift. How it can free you to write a new story.

Baden: You can't do this?
Sophie: Really, why not? Because if you can't have me, no one can?

James: He's the one that got us into this fucking mess.
Sophie: No, I am.

James: I'll handle it, okay? We have people.
Sophie: And what do those people do?
James: We're not gonna fucking hurt him, Soph. We're just gonna make sure that he knows that destroying that evidence is his only choice.

James: Does this meeting have anything to do with a cop who was in our driveway yesterday? Is he the one who tipped off SCU?
Sophie: You know who he is?
James: Yeah, I got a pretty good idea.

If you even think about lying to us, you should know that I watch a ton of fucking drug shows, so I know how to fuck a guy up, alright!

Harrison [to Todd]

The games rigged, remember? So let's even the playing field.

Sophie [to James]

I don't know what it was that shifted that night, but I could feel it.

James [to Sophie]

Surface Season 1 Quotes

Sophie: I need you to know something. What happened before will never, ever happen again. The girl who did that, I don't even recognize. However fucked up I might be, I don't want to die.
James: I know.

Baden: Your husband's coming. Look he's not who you think he is, okay? He's not telling you everything.
Sophie: What are you talking about?
Baden: You ever think there's more to what happened on the boat that day?