Jonah: This is a huge problem, Tony.
Tony: I mean, it's just stuff.
Jonah: Our whole job is stuff!

Cheyenne: Look, I'm really sorry that you had to stop being floor supervisor, but I just need to do this my own way. Okay?
Mateo: Okay. I just figured you'd want to do the job well instead of, you know, having Carol do The Worm to get out of go-backs.
Cheyenne: Well actually, I think I'm doing a really good job. Yeah, the games and stuff are dorky, but they help people forget that their job sucks for a second.

Wow, my son. A Cloud 9 employee. We're a dynasty like Billy Ray and Miley!


Here's an idea. Maybe, if you're gonna have cold feet about the future of your relationship, you tell the guy who's got your two-year-old drooling on his chest! He's my little man by the way. I love him to death. But, maybe, give him just an indication, you know? That you're gonna pull the rug out. Because let me tell you something, he's very comfortable on that rug. A lot of plans are hinging on that rug staying right where it is. Yeah, we've moved on. She's moved on! She's living in California in what I imagine is an infinity pool, while I am stuck here working at her store! Living at her house! Dealing with her neighbor's tree that's past the property line. You deal with it Amy!


Kelly: Can I just ask what happened with Amy?
Jonah: We just weren't on the same page about, uh, our future. And so we decided to break up. It was, uh, mutual.
Kelly: I remember us using that word too.
Jonah: Yeah, but—
Kelly: I think people say breakups are mutual because they want to feel like nobody's the bad guy. But, come on, usually, one person is hurting more than the other.

Jonah: I don't know what this is, but I'm sorry.
Kelly: Am I dead? Is that why I keep ending up here?

Glenn: Jonah, you need our help. Right, Amy?
Sandra: Totally dude.
Jonah: Dude?
Sandra: She's in California now. That's how people there talk.

I mean, we used to hook up in the store, so we can't really judge.


Guys, we did a good deed. Okay, let's just leave it at that. Not everything has to be about money.


Justine: Immigrants -- we get the job done.
Jonah: We?
Justine: My family is Swedish or something.

I'm so sorry, Sandra. We all wish we could just rip that pain out of your body, shove it right up inside ourselves, and claim it as our own.


Carol: Guys, we're a family, and we have to be there for each other. And Sandra would be there for any of us if we had a gross, sick cat.
Jonah: I guess that -- that's a valid point from Carol.

Superstore Season 6 Quotes

Attention shoppers, we ask that you please not physically wrestle things from your fellow customers. There's a highly contractable virus out there that our country does not have a hold of. None of y'all are listening, huh? Alright, enjoy the apocalypse!


We are essential. Customers are like sheep looking for guidance. Without leaders, sheep start to eat each other. So unless one of us leads, this place is gonna be littered in haggis from here to Sunday.
