Sam, something is going on, but I don't know what's going on.


Well, Donna certainly has a type.


I'm hangry.


Michael: Tell me. Why do you love this world enough you're willing to risk your life?
Castiel: Tell me. Why do you hate this world enough you're willing to burn it to the ground?

Jack: Dean? He's strong.
Michael: He's a gnat. I'm a god.

And Sam? The last thing you'll see is this pretty smile as I rip you apart.


Dean's not home right now. Please leave a message.


Impossible odds. Feels like home.


Michael's monsters are all over this city. If he feared us in the least he would have sent someone our way.


Sam, Dean, and Castiel will come for me.


Haven't you learned yet? In this reality monsters, humans, even angels they are insects -- atoms compared to us.


Castiel: Jack, if you can't sleep, it's understandable given recent events.
Jack: You mean dying and coming back to life.
Castiel: Yeah, we've all been through it. It's something of a right of passage around here.

Supernatural Season 14 Quotes

A little of this, a little of that and yes, good boy. Hmm. Too much that. Disappointing.


Bobby: Life's a little different when you can't just zap people around, huh?
Jack: A lot different. Yeah.