John: I know what you're going to say.
Lois: You need to hear this. I have told you repeatedly that this world is different from yours, that our Superman is different from the monster who destroyed your Earth, that he would never turn on humanity. And you have asked me just as often how I know that for sure. I've never really answered that question but I'm going to now. The reason I know how much Superman loves humanity is that he's not just someone I report on, he's everything to me, he's the love of my life, the father of my sons. John, Superman is my husband.

Lois: Is Argus helping with the search?
Diggle: I assumed you knew. Your father called Lyla, needed some tech delivered so she sent me.

Lois: John Diggle.
Diggle: Lois Lane. So, this is where you and Clark moved the family.
Lois: Yeah, we thought a slower pace of life might be good for us.
Diggle: Well, it looks like that didn't go quite as planned.

Diggle: General Lane needs this delivered to his tent straight away.
Army soldier: Yes, sir.

Kryptonians are peaceful people.


Kal-El: I know this must be a lot to process.
Lara: Resurrection was my life's work, as a way to ensure our civilization was not lost forever. It was never meant to be used as a way to supplant another race.

Morgan: My real name is Tal-Rho. I'm the son of Zeta-Rho and Lara Lor-Van.
Clark: That's not possible. My mother --
Morgan: Married Jor-El, your father. Yes, I know. Years after, she'd been matched to my father, years after I was born. It was when she first warned that Krypton was dying. The very reason my father sent me here.

Clark: Brother?
Morgan: I know how unlikely it may seem, but the two of us, we share the same Kryptonian blood.
Clark: You are not my brother.
Morgan: I am, Kal-El, whether you want to believe it or not.

Morgan: Did you really think I'd be giving people powers without having them myself? You see, I got mine the same time you did, Kal-el, when I arrived on this planet.
Clark: When you arrived?
Morgan: I think it's time you learned the truth about who I am and where I'm really from, brother.

Morgan: Glad you came.
Clark: Everything you are doing is gonna stop.
Morgan: That's exactly what your friend Lois Lane keeps saying to me. You can't make that happen any more than she can.

Lois: What?
Clark: It's your ELT.
Lois: Edge.

  • Permalink: Edge.
  • Added:

Clark: It's not Smallville Edge needs to build his army.
Lois: It's the people.

Superman & Lois Season 1 Quotes

Lois: We came here as a family.
Clark: It's too dangerous for them to know.
Lois: It's more dangerous if they don't.

Jordan: Our dad told us all these stories about growing up here.
Sarah: He tell you it sucks?
Jordan: Actually, I think he kind of loved it.