Lena: How do you feel?
Sam: It's a cliche, but I feel like I got hit by a bus.

Alex: Today, I risked my life for it. I jumped straight across without hesitating, without even thinking. And to be honest? That wasn't even the tallest building that I have jumped off of in the line of duty.
J'onn: You are someone who makes the hard choices, Alex. You go the extra mile.
Alex: Yeah, exactly. That's who I am. It's just baked into me. Jumping buildings, making enemies, that's all part of the job. But the irony here is, is that the thing that I had to do to save myself, is the very same thing that could have killed me. I mean one more inch and I would have died, and then, where would she be?

James: What would Sam want you to do?
Lena: Sam wanted me to heal her.
James: Not what Sam wanted you to do. What would Sam want you do now, with the choice you are presented with?
Lena: She would choose Ruby. Over anything. Even her own life. She'd want me to protect her daughter.

Supergirl and I may not see eye to eye, but there is one thing we can agree on, and that's that you need to be stopped. So enjoy your moment in the sun, Reign, because we are going to save Sam, and end you.


Winn: You seem more stoic and grave than usual, which if we're being honest is making me a little bit queasy. What haven't you told me?
J'onn: Reign is becoming immune to Miss Luthor's synthetic Kyrptonite faster than we expected.

Mon-El: Well, I spoke to Imra, and it turns out despite all my attempts to bury my feelings, it was pretty transparent for her, so, she told me to come back here and sort it out. And all I want to do is just tell Kara exactly how I feel. "Cause I don't want to keep secrets.
J'onn: Telling her might make you feel better, but I think it would be selfish.

James: Racism is the oldest form of bullying.
Lena: I'm so sorry that happened to you.
James: But when I became Guardian, and I put that mask on, it was strangely liberating. But it was the first time in my life that I had the opportunity to be judged on my actions and my heart, not how I look.
Lena: You shouldn't have to wear a mask to be seen as how you really are, James. It shouldn't be that way.
James: But it is.

Alex: I bought every book I could find on helping kids deal with trauma.
J'onn: I'd imagine none of those books have chapters on what to do when your mother's a Worldkiller who tried to murder you.
Alex: No, they left that one out.

For the past two years, I've had to be dishonest with her while she's been opening up to me. Lillian Luthor said it, and she was right. If Lena ever found out that I was Supergirl, she would be devastated, and she would lump me in with every other person in her life that's betrayed her.


I told you about Kryptonite. And I will tell you if I make it again, 'cause I agreed to that. But, with regards to other things I work on, this may come as a shock to you, but I don't think about you while I'm doing it.


I discovered the most incredible thing today. Did you know, if you grind the coffee beans with the cocoa beans, you get the most delectable mixture? It makes the flavor senses of my mouth smile.


Supergirl: Even if I did trust you, even if we were on the same side, this substance is so lethal to me, that I can't risk encountering it by mistake.
Lena: Trust is hard for me too, Supergirl, but since we seem to need each other, we're just going to have to figure it out.

Supergirl Season 3 Quotes

Reporter: Does President Marsden believe climate change is real?
Cat: Yes, Carl, as a matter of fact she does. She also believes that two plus two equals four, and that the Earth is round, because the President is not a moron.

Winn: I thought it was bad when she skipped pizza night, but skipping free apps? I mean, come on. These are like the beginning of the dark days.
J'onn: Hey, come on, grief doesn't have a deadline.
Winn: Look, I know, but I mean, she goes from being little miss sunshine to, well, Alex basically.
Alex: What? I'm not like that.
J'onn: Oh come on Alex, your unrelenting seriousness is one of your best qualities.