Shiv: I hear Dad's got Vaulter in the cross-hair.
Kendall: Roman? He shouldn't be talking to you about that.
Shiv: It seems like a bad move to me. I'm just sayin'. I always liked it.
Kendall: Yeah, well. Dad's right.
Shiv: You're with him on this?
Kendall: He sees everything, Shiv.
Shiv: You have a hard time finding a happy medium between worshipping him and wanting to kill him.

Tom: Because I thought it was something that we wanted for me
Shiv: We do.
Tom: To have it. That was, I mean, that was just the plan.
Shiv: That, that's still the plan. Me is just a modification of the plan.

Shiv: He asked me, and I said yes. But just as a play.
Tom: Totally. So what was the play?

Lawrence: Everyone here fucking hates you.
Kendall: I think I can take it.

Greg: The thing I need storage for most of all, Stanley, is me. I need. I need storage for myself.
Stanley: Dude, it's just a bed. You're overthinking it.

Kendall: Yeah, you live here now, Greg.
Greg: [laughs] OK. Cool. Yeah. I can take a lot in terms of psychological pain, so. Yeah. Sweet! I live here! Nice!
Kendall: I'm totally serious.
Greg: Yeah. You know, I needed a place to live so, now uh, "Now I got it!"
Kendall: Here's your key. You got a doorman downstairs. I'm not fuckin' around. Like, it's just gonna be empty. It's not a big deal.
Greg: Kendall. What, dude? This is fuck, this is, what? Thank you. So much, man! Wow. I mean. Look at these ceilings!
Kendall: Yeah, you got big windows, a lot of light.
Greg: Woo ooo!
Kendall: Have you ever had your own place? I was thinkin' we could hang out tonight. Like, in here. Have a little party.

Shiv: I've got a choice to make. It's either Gil, or it's dad. It's a bit of a headfuck.
Tom: OK. Well, let's break it down.
Shiv: Cause here's what I've been thinking. What if a good person ran Waystar?
Tom: Yeah, you know Waystar, it's the family business. It's your inheritance. But you know, you saw what your dad did to Kendall. There's got to be a chance he'll do the same to you. Get bored of you once he's got you. I don't know. Maybe it's about keeping your options open, Siobhan.

Kendall: Yeah, sorry about the, uh, cloak and dagger. I just needed some time to untangle all your shit, fund process centers, keep the union off our back. We're already fully operational on seven.
Lawrence: Why?
Kendall: Because my dad told me to.
Lawrence: Because your dad told you to? Jesus Christ. Because you're DAD told you to? You fucked it, bro!
Kendall: Uh-huh. Go find some other chicken coop. Cunt.
Lawrence: Are you fucking kidding me? Because your DAD told you to?! Are you a fucking idiot? Kendall!

Roman: Hey. Should I be in this?
Logan: Roman, your brother's going to be working in here from now on.
Roman: Oh yeah?
Logan: I need him across for the proxy battle. Can't afford communication slips. OK? [Roman looks at Kendall] What are you waiting for? A kiss? Fuck off. Be gone. Buy-bye.

You did good, son. Make yourself at home.


Succession Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Let me just make it very clear -- Kendall Roy is no longer relevant.


Tom: Three months ago I was at a meeting about how to stop kids from giving each other handy jobs on the runaway ghost train, and now I'm about to manage a billion-dollar news budge, so it's all good.
Shiv: I have my first handjob on the ghost train.