You can keep smiling if you want to, but you don't have a chance in hell of becoming mayor of this city.


Beckett: Ask what you need to ask, Hughes! Just ask it!
Vic: Did you skip shift... did you skip shift today because you were thinking about killing yourself?

Sullivan: Power's going to his head already.
Andy: Copy, Captain.

You gotta dress for the job you want. So be the wolf, or you’ll be the one that gets eaten.


I'm sorry to all of you. Well, not you, Powell. I was not myself for a very long time, and what you did, I think you all saved a lot of lives with that mutiny, and I'm grateful. I know who I am now, and I know what I want. And I will not be seeking my captaincy back.


You lied! I hate you.

Milo [to Ben]

Beckett: You are only 16, and life isn't fair, and I'm sorry you had to learn that like this, but we are going to get you out of this car, and we are going to reunite you with your family, and you are going to live. You're going to learn from this mistake, and you are going to make amends with yourself, OK?
Girl: OK.
Beckett: I'm sorry about your friend.
Girl: I'm sorry about yours.

Herrera, you're going to make a damn good chief one day, and not because of me.


I refuse to take orders from someone giving up before the fight.


You are the first female fire chief, you have a legacy!


Sullivan: You don't get to be mad.
Andy: Excuse me?
Sullivan: I'm a punchline.

I am pro-union. I am anti a system that has a million things wrong with. I have put my life on the line serving my country for a decade in Iraq. I fought to drag this department kicking and screaming into the 21st century, to make your jobs safer and better. And you want to do Dixon's bidding by calling me out on who I'm sleeping with? No, no, no, no. This union owes Dixon nothing. You have my back, not his.
