You're very special relationship to the President gives you certain advantages. Just remember the agency, our agency, it outlasts Presidents and you need to be clear about where your loyalties are.

Navaro (to Charlie)

You're not my only source of intelligence, Charlie.


There is something on that report that could hurt you, gravely.

Senator Green

What is new and menacing in the world today?


Well, maybe because there's no gun emoticon, we can just assume they are saying hi.


I want to kill people too. Despite our differences, the desire to hunt and hurt and kill is just as alive in me as it is in you.


State of Affairs Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Well, maybe because there's no gun emoticon, we can just assume they are saying hi.


I want to kill people too. Despite our differences, the desire to hunt and hurt and kill is just as alive in me as it is in you.
