Maybe it’s because I didn’t have a childhood like everyone else that I don’t idealize childish behavior.


Chapel: Just try to be honest with what you can and can’t offer from now on.
Spock: You needn’t worry. Vulcans cannot lie. At least, not the way that humans can.
Chapel: I mean honest with yourself.

Spock: Thank you for your advice. If I can ever return the favor, please do not hesitate to ask.
Chapel: What are friends for?
Spock: What are friends for?
Chapel: That was a rhetorical, Spock.
Spock: Oh, I know. Humans are almost as easy to tease as Vulcans.

Vulcan Spock: What would you know of logic? You are a human, ruled by emotion.
Human Spock: No, I’m not human! I’m not!

You’re supposed to put her ahead of your duties. It’s what being in a relationship is. It’s mutual sacrifice. Pretty much why I avoid them.


Spock: I had a terrible dream last night that I had to fight my human side.
Chapel: Vulcans don’t do subtle, do ya?

Maybe they’re just looking for somebody to take their point of view. Radical empathy. Maybe what they value the most in others is the capacity to see things their way.


Chapel: Spock, you are clearly an extraordinarily intelligent person.
Spock: Thank you.
Chapel: But you’re also an idiot.
Spock: I feel I should have seen that coming.

Chapel: This is what I appreciate about Dever. He and I are on the same page. Casual, no attachments, it’s just for fun, zero commitments page.
Ortegas: It’s more like a book than a page. And you said the same thing about that gal on Archulese-2.
Chapel: That was a misunderstanding. It was one time.
Ortegas: One very entertaining time.
Chapel: How is being chased by light phaser fire fun?

A shared acceptance of mutual sacrifice is crucial to a successful relationship.


M’Benga: I’ve been collecting data to share with Dr. Beroa.
Ortegas: Is that his you-know-what?
Chapel: No. Expert in non-invasive surgical technique. Cutting edge stuff. Except, uh, without the cutting.

Brax: You are Vulcan, famous for your logic, yes?
Spock: Indeed.
Brax: Then your voice is also a part of the Federation.
Spock: All members of the Federation have a voice in its governance.
Brax: That sounds… confusing.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 1 Quotes

Pike: Send someone else. You don't want me in command of that ship.
April: You're getting us confused. You don't want you in command.

No matter how many stars there are in the sky. No matter how many galaxies swirl beyond our own. No matter the mathematical probabilities or the number of times we say, 'We are not alone in the universe,' our first visit from the stars is always the province of children's stories and science fiction. First contact with aliens always lives squarely in the impossible. First contact is just a dream until one day, it isn't.
