Mariner: Can you imagine anything more Vulcan than Bendii Syndrome? Hel-lo! Spock’s dad had it, and he was Vulcan as a motherf*cker.
T’Lyn: Hm. I suppose by the transitive property, I, too, must be Vulcan as a motherf*cker.
Mariner: F*ck yeah! Logic, bitch!

T’Lyn: The telepathic symptoms must’ve tied to my unresolved conflict. My area of effect has dissipated.
Mariner: Damn. Vulcan brains are scary strong, huh?

Delorex: I can’t read you. How are your thoughts so relaxed?
Slam Poet Security Officer: Slam poetry. Where the soul [snaps fingers] meets the mind.

T’Lyn: Am I to understand that you mock your friends more than your enemies?
Mariner: Oh, yeah, yeah. It comes from a place of love.

Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 Episode 5 Quotes

Delorex: Cathew, we’ve been here for five minutes. Let’s maybe check out our rooms before you devour someone.
Cathew: I’ll devour whoever I want, Delorex, you sanctimonious buzzkill.

Delorex: We appreciate the lift.
Cathew: Especially on a ship with such sturdy officers.
Ransom: That’s what I’m talking about. I get off bridge duty at 1300hrs.
Cathew: Ugh, never mind. I like it when they’re hard to get.
Ransom: Oh, come on. Give me another chance! I can be distant and unavailable!