If you turn your back on all the experiences that made you strong and compassionate because they hurt, I'm afraid that one day everything you learned in Smallville will have been for nothing.


Clark, you're so focused on what's ahead that you're starting to cut out the parts of your past that made you who you are.


Jimmy: Did you get my shots?
Lois: Love the framing, love the colors. Where's the drama?

How many Great Caesar's Ghosts?


Your final trial is upon you my son. You are ready, seize your destiny.


Our story hasn't been written yet, Kal-El. And every villain is only as great as his hero. You see that all relies on you saving us from a coming Apokolips.


Lex: What killed me is you didn't even want it. You fought it, you hid from it. I would have taken it and relished it and embraced it.
Clark: My destiny wasn't yours to take!
Lex: I get that now which is why I've finally embraced my own. You and I, we will both be great men because of each other. We have a destiny together Clark, only on different sides.

But if you look at history the great men and women of the world have always been defined by their enemies.


Clark: Lex.
Lex: You still say it the way way. Astonishment, mixed with a hint of dread, yet with a hopeful finish.

I'm sorry I wouldn't have had to do that if the world wasn't in jeopardy and you weren't such a bitch.


Everything okay, Smallville?


Clark: Lois, sometimes you can see things that I can't. And when you walked away I thought because you couldn't bring yourself to be the one to stand in between me and my destiny.
Lois: Well, here's the thing about that: I can be loud, and at times I'm a little bossy. So someone might wonder why a person of your God-like caliber would be with a woman who is so imperfect. Well don't take this the wrong way but you come with some baggage of your own and it's made me a better person. Just like being with me will make you a greater man and a superhero.

Smallville Quotes

I saw me, I mean, Clark Kent, disguised behind glasses and a bad haircut.


We'll have a better chance surviving your dad's desert than Zod's Thunderdome.
