Man: What month, day, is this day?
Harper: It's October ninth.
Man: I have not been to this day.
Harper: What do you mean? You're here right now.

Man: What war did you fight in?
Harper: The only war. The great war.
Man: World War I or !!?
Harper: There's a second one?

Inside her, things become something else. Sometimes they're older, sometimes they're newer, sometimes they're just different. Things I've never even seen before. It can happen to anything, carpets, lamps, whatever.


Klara: I hear they hand out medals on the ride home. How many did you get?
Harper: I just got the ride.

You know, when I found this place, you're the only one I wanted to show it to.


You can come back as many times as you want, Harper. I'll always know! Because I know you. You watched me? I watched you! You weren't much back then. Now, all of this? It makes you look even smaller.


Dan: When things change for you, do you recognize it?
Kirby: Sometimes. Other times they're just random.
Dan: Maybe they're what's to come.

Nurse: Fuck me. That is you, right?
Kirby: Yeah.
Nurse: Not gonna lie; you look pretty rough here.
Kirby: They only use the glamour shots if you get killed, so.

No one really knows how we're connected. Take two particles; they could be connected somehow like there's an invisible thread linking them. They can't act independently, so if you affect one, the other reacts in kind. Their actions are entangled. One impacts the other, even across all of space-time.


Harper: I saw a change outside the house.
Leo: Really? Are you sure it's not like the lights? Maybe you're starting to slip, too.

Dan: Have you talked to Marcus about this?
Kirby: That's what I'm telling you. I never married him. I just came home one day, and he was there.
Dan: I don't know what to say.

Dan: I know how he found you. I saw him at the Madrigal house.
Kirby: He talked to you.
Dan: Yeah, he wanted to know about Julia. He wanted to know about what I was going to write. Listen, I shouldn't have brought you there. He must have seen us together.
Kirby: No. He's been watching me for a lot longer than that. Since when I was a kid
Dan: Like you guys, you guys grew up together?
Kirby: No. He has just always been there. I remembered him from when Rachel and I were living at one of her fuckin' boyfriend's places. He came up to me. I was on my own, and he was the same as last night. Exactly the same.

Shining Girls Season 1 Quotes

Kirby: The detective who was on my case, he called me in. Doesn't matter. It's- I thought it did, but it doesn't.
Dan: He called you in for what?
Kirby: He thought it was the same guy.
Dan: What someone did to Julia, they tried to do to you?
Kirby: It was six years ago.

First we find its shine, and then we take it away.
