The Darkling: Whatever their original mission was, they must have diverted to find you. That's why I'm traveling with you.
Alina: They're that scared of you.
The Darkling: I think they're more scared of you.
Alina: Why?
The Darkling: What your power means to us. You may well be the first of your kind, but we've always had a name for you. For what we hope you can do. Enter the Fold. Destroy it.

The Darkling: There is matter to everything. Even air or shadow. Too small to see. The Cut is something a Summoner can do, but it requires tremendous skill, and I would only use it as a last resort. Like that ambush.
Alina: Saints. Is this my life now? Hunted wherever I go?
The Darkling: You get used to it.

Kaz: Besides, Inej refuses to kill. Would you trust her in a matter of life and death?
Jesper: Well, I've trusted her so far, and I'm still alive, so, yeah.

Alina: Maybe it's nicer inside the Little Palace, but out here, when you're different, when you look different, everything's at risk of becoming a fight.
Ivan: Do you know why the Little Palace has walls in the first place, hmm? Because for years, being Grisha was a death sentence. At least now, thanks to General Kirigan, we're protected. Feared. And that's how we survive. Not by being overlooked, but by making them look and knowing you're powerful.
Alina: I've survived long enough without your protection, thank you.
Fedyor: But you wouldn't last a minute now that you are you. All of Ravka has been waiting for you.
Alina: I get it. The whole country wants to see the Fold gone.
Fedyor: But it's bigger than that. You are hope for the country, yes, but a myth come true for a Grisha. It was a Grisha who created the Fold. If a Grisha destroys it, maybe... maybe we wouldn't need those high walls to protect us anymore.

Alina: Look at me. Do I look important to you?
Ivan: You look like trouble, which is nearly the same.

Inej: So? What's our move now?
Kaz: You're the one of us who believes in a higher power. If we're going to survive a round trip through the Fold, we'll need a miracle or two.

Alina: If it goes wrong, come back. You've lost enough to it already.
Mal: I'll find my way back to you.

Dreesen: No businessman worth his salt hires his first applicant.
Kaz: No. No, I understand. Of course, I will have to report you to the guild for kidnapping and harboring a prisoner without chain of title.
Dreesen: You wouldn't.
Kaz: No businessman worth his salt bargains for what he can take.

When I was young, I was afraid of the dark. When I got older, I learned that darkness is a place, and it's full of monsters.


Shadow and Bone Season 1 Quotes

Inej: So? What's our move now?
Kaz: You're the one of us who believes in a higher power. If we're going to survive a round trip through the Fold, we'll need a miracle or two.

When I was young, I was afraid of the dark. When I got older, I learned that darkness is a place, and it's full of monsters.
