Leaving it for Tom made sense; it was another step to letting go.


Did you know Tom was yours?


Cornell: Mr Crawford.
Ben: I was just starting to miss you.
Cornell: Shame. I'm not here for you.

I think you should start sleeping in our bedroom again. Abby's asking questions.


Ben: I didn't protect him.
Christy: You didn't know it was your job.

Ben: I know it was Natalie's.
Christy: I was going to tell you.

Ben: You go outside now.
Natalie: Or what, you gonna kill me too?

Ben: Screw the money. We need to talk about this right now.
Christy: We will talk about this when I get home.

Ben: Those earings are really great.
Christy: So, where you going tonight?

I can't just live not knowing what happened to my son.


Ben: I didn't kill Tom.
Scott: I hope not. For your sake, I hope not.

I hear you say that and I can't help but think if that's grief or guilt.
