Turk: All right, I'm gonna get right down to it. You tell Carla that my mole is inoperable, I will pay you ten thousand dollars.
Carla: Turk! I don't want you to do this!
Plastic Surgeon: The mole's inoperable.
Turk: The deal's off.

Dr. Cox: Benny, I appreciate your concern, but you just don't understand.
Ben: What don't I understand?
Dr. Cox: Well do you see all these people here? This is not some kind of senior citizens slumber party. I mean if it was, I would have already put Mr. Foredom's hand in a nice bowl of warm water. But god bless him, he's going to go ahead and wet the bed anyway.

J.D.: I got to win my money back from Leonard... You know the guy with the giant afro.
Turk: Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Turk: You guys, I don't want to do this.
Elliot: Come on. No one's going to call you names.
Turk: I know, but...
J.D.: FACE! Butt-face.
Turk: Listen. My butt is fabulous. A slice of that up here, that's just me spreading the wealth.

Dr. Cox: Hey, hey, Val. You know, you know what's funny? Ever since I started taking care of your patients not one of them has died.
J.D.: Look. You want to be mad at me, that's fine. I get it. Okay. But Jordan called. And she wants to make sure you show this afternoon.
Ben: Oh. Right. That thing. Put us down for Ben plus one.

Carla: Hey. You've been here for sixty straight hours. You need to go home.
Dr. Cox: You know what I need. I need people to stop telling me what I should do.
Carla: Fine.
Ben: You know what you should do?
Dr. Cox: Aw. Why are you here?

J.D.: So wait. You think this was my fault?
Ben: Hey, this is an emotional situation. So, why don't you go easy on the kid?
Dr. Cox: It was your fault. Now get the hell out.
Ben: Well that was good. That was good listening.

Turk: Know what sweetie? I'm fine with getting rid of this mole. But you got to be willing to take my last name when we get married.
Carla: That's perfect. Of course I will.
Elliot: And there she goes. Mrs. Carla Butt-face.

Scrubs Season 3 Episode 14 Quotes

Dr. Cox: Now where is your camera? Aren't, aren't you going to take some pictures?
J.D.: Pictures of what?
Dr. Cox: You know. Crying babies. Covered in chocolate. People singing happy birthday to my son, who've never even met him before. You know, the whole routine.
J.D.: Where do you think we are?

...in the end, the most important thing to accept is that no matter how alone you feel, how painful it may be, with the help of those around you, you'll get through this too.

J.D.'s narration