I'm just not gonna check the machine anymore, I mean if those people want to find me they can just hunt me down.. no, no that's not good.


Dena: (about Samantha) She's a bridesmaid!
Regina: In a wedding?
Dena: Yeah.
Regina: You mean someone liked her?
Samantha: Yes mother, it is possible despite my upbringing.

Regina: You're never gonna make it sweetheart.
Samantha: No? Watch me. Somebody likes me and it's an honor to be asked and I'm not gonna let down my good friend Victoria.
Dena: Valerie.
Samantha: Whatever.

Samantha: Disinvited? But she liked me. How can she disinvite someone she likes so much?
Andrea: Oh I don't know, it might be because you started a litte wedding pool on how long the marriage would last.
Samantha: Well that's not very likable.

Samantha: Dena I'm not gonna stay somewhere when I'm not wanted.
Dena: It's not that hard, you get used to it.

Samantha Who? Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Samantha: Disinvited? But she liked me. How can she disinvite someone she likes so much?
Andrea: Oh I don't know, it might be because you started a litte wedding pool on how long the marriage would last.
Samantha: Well that's not very likable.

Samantha: Dena I'm not gonna stay somewhere when I'm not wanted.
Dena: It's not that hard, you get used to it.