Roseanne: Kinda scary talking to your old granny, huh?
Mark: I'm not afraid of you.
Roseanne: Give it time.

I think you guys are really gonna like Mark cause he is a lot of fun, and he's very fashionable. Sometimes he wants to wear a dress or a real fancy top. I think he's gonna grow up, and be a fashion designer, a really famous one like TJ Maxx or the Ross guy. So I'm counting on you guys to make the new kid feel welcome, and if you don't I have ways of finding out about it. I'm a white witch.

I'm Lanford's leading life coach.


Andrea: Mrs. Conner, did all of your children's deliveries go according to your birth plan?
Roseanne: Umm, they found their way out if that's what you mean.

Andrea: Does mental illness run in your family? And don't be embarrassed. I mean I get anxiety on international flights.
Becky: No mental illness.
Jackie: Well. Our mother was never formally diagnosed, but I'm pretty sure she's start raving...

Roseanne: So are you gonna be there when Becky has sex with your husband or what?
Becky: Mom! They don't do it like that.

I don't care how long it takes to recover. I'll take all the drugs you got.


Darlene: Where's dad?
Roseanne: He's in the kitchen. He's washing his tail in the sink.
Becky: Mom!

Darlene: What the hell were you thinking?
Dan: I didn't think it was that big of a deal, Darlene. You wanted a knife at that age, and I gave you one.
Darlene: That was to defend myself at home.

Mark: Granny Rose already told everyone she's a witch.
Darlene: No. She'd never get that close to a broom.

Mark: There's this girl who always offers to dissect everybody's frogs.
Darlene: OK. You can be her friend for now, but you know as she gets older you might want to drift away.

Tough kid. I'm gonna miss him.


Roseanne Season 1 Quotes

Dan: Candyman's home babe.
Roseanne: Oh, my favorite, drugs! What happened to the rest of our candy?
Dan: Funny story. Our insurance don't cover what it use to so I got the drugs for twice the price.

Roseanne: Dan! Dan!
Dan: What? What happened?
Roseanne: I thought you were dead!
Dan: I'm sleeping! Why does everybody always think I'm dead?
Roseanne: You looked happy. I thought maybe you moved on.