Jackie: Here's some dressing for the table.
Roseanne: Oh look, Dan, Russian.

Dan: Spread these around.
Mark: I can't. My nails are still wet.
Dan: Your nails are still wet. You hear that honey? My grandsons nails are wet.
Mark: I like your nail polish, grandpa.
Dan: That's drywall, son.

Roseanne: Aunt Jackie thinks every girl should grow up and be President. Even if they're a liar, liar pantsuit on fire.
Jackie: I think we know who's a liar, and who's on fire, Roseanne.

I've been off the force for years, but I can still taste the adrenalin.


You're looking very fit. Apparently all the weight you lost was the good Roseanne.


Darlene: Is anyone going to mention she's like fifty?
Becky: I'm forty-three, and I told her I was thirty-three which according to the lady at the MAC counter is my skin age.

I better go talk to him. I'll wait till he has a couple beers first.

Don't be mean to your sister. She's an old woman trying to have a baby.

Darlene: You opened my mail?
Roseanne: Yeah. I never stopped.

Darlene: I thought I could buy a huge house that I could hold over your head.
Roseanne: That would have been sweet.

Roseanne: My little loser.
Darlene: Shut up. I'm not letting you eat that pie.

Roseanne: Dan! Dan!
Dan: What? What happened?
Roseanne: I thought you were dead!
Dan: I'm sleeping! Why does everybody always think I'm dead?
Roseanne: You looked happy. I thought maybe you moved on.

Roseanne Season 1 Quotes

Dan: Candyman's home babe.
Roseanne: Oh, my favorite, drugs! What happened to the rest of our candy?
Dan: Funny story. Our insurance don't cover what it use to so I got the drugs for twice the price.

Roseanne: Dan! Dan!
Dan: What? What happened?
Roseanne: I thought you were dead!
Dan: I'm sleeping! Why does everybody always think I'm dead?
Roseanne: You looked happy. I thought maybe you moved on.