Harry: Do not go down there. The floor's cracked, and if you go down there, you'll break your mama's back.
Mike: What'd he say about my mama?

Harry: Alien babies have a big appetite for high-calorie food.
Asta: Uh-huh.
Harry: There's nothing more junky than a human. We are in danger.

Mike: You sure? I'll come down and help.
Harry: No! I want to carry it myself. The ice feels good on my nipples.

Kate: Really sorry about that.
D'Arcy: Oh, don't worry. I've been peed on before.
Kate: I have, too. I kinda like it.
D'Arcy: I was talking about a frog I picked up when I was a kid.
Kate: Yeah, frogs. Me, too.

I do not understand why humans celebrate their births. Everyone who is alive has been born; it is not special. A birthday party is just a participation trophy.

Harry [internal]

Sahar: Is your brain in your butt?
Max: I hope not.

Kate: Are they going to do anything about that sulfur smell? I'm gonna barf.
Ben: I don't smell anything. [chuckles] Hey, remember when you were pregnant and you had that sense of smell like a superhero? [chuckles] Hope you're not pregnant! Could you imagine?

Ben: Hey! Dr. V. Just thought I'd say hi. WOW. Great workspace. You, uh, you build birdhouses down here? You, uh, tinker? You like to tinker?
Harry: Yes. Sometimes it makes me shiver because of the warm urine leaving my body.

Ben: Why is everyone listening to this?
Dan: Because you're having a public fight, and we have ears.

Harry: Why do we have to ride on this train for two days? What if someone ties a lady to the tracks? If they tie her lengthwise, it could derail us.
Asta: It could, but it won't because this isn't a silent movie, Harry. And we didn't have a choice. I'm pretty sure TSA won't let you on a plane with something like that in the bag. Do you even know if or when it will hatch?
Harry: No, on my planet, we meet with a genetic partner. The partner who carries the offspring incubates hundreds of eggs. This is just one egg. One of my kind, mating with a human partner. I don't know what this will look like. I do not know when it will come. It could be hatching in a year. It could be hatching right now. Or, now. Or, now.

Asta: How did that window break?
Harry: I do not know. It is a very cheap train. Everything breaks. [he turns, his face covered in blood]
Asta: Oh my God. What happened to your face?
Harry: [feels his face] I may have killed the bad woman. It's OK! I threw her out the window. She's gone. Did you get my ice cream sandwich?

Harry: This is their home. I want to meet someone like me so maybe I can feel like I am home.
Asta: Yeah, about that. Um, I spoke to Violinda at the party. She knows Goliath. Or did know him. Um, he's dead, Harry.
Harry: Goliath was dead as soon as he became more human than me.

Resident Alien Season 2 Quotes

Mike: You know what? Maybe I'd be better with six arms. That's better than four. Hell, I could cut my shower in half if I had six arms. I could get my nuts, my butt, and my pits and still have two arms left
Liv: It's a great day to be alive.

Being an alien is easier than being a human. We have evolved past emotions, so we aren't forced to deal with things like seasonal depression or road rage. We also have no roads, so nobody can cut you off, not even Alpha Draconions, who are lizard-faced dickheads. After living on earth, I am not just an alien with human emotions. I am an alien with human memories. Is there a point when I become more human than alien?

Harry [voiceover]