Sock: Your ladyhood is a very very special thing. It's like a... you know, it's like a super awesome hot tub. And if you just let anybody hop into that tub, it becomes meaningless. It becomes filled with hair and you have to clean it out all the time.
Kristen: I hate dirty hot tubs.
Sock: We all do

Sock: Sam! Listen. Here's what we're going to do. We need to get our stories straight, okay. People are going to come here, they're going to ask questions. We have to have answers ready.
Sam: But our friend is dead!
Sock: Ben would want us to have a cover-up story for the cops and that is a fact, Sam.

Andi: Ooh. We could go on vacation.
Sam: Yes, like a real vacation. Paris.
Andi: We could go to Malta.
Sam: I don't even know where that is!

Sam: I almost got my throat ripped out last night!
Gladys: Drama queen.
Sam: You sent a demon to my house to kill me. Why would you do that?
Gladys: We're in a book club together.
Sam: What, so you agreed to have me assassinated?
Gladys: These book clubs are a lot of pressure

Sock: This is so unfair. I am not her brother. I mean, I don't even look like her. Why does she insist on labeling me as her brother. I just want her to see me the way the rest of the world does.
Sam: And how is that?
Sock: As a sexual magician

Well, I'll try to watch your back, buddy. But you know, you got to remember I'm a busy guy. It's an election year

Devil [to Sam]

Sam: Maybe you guys should cover the other exit.
Sock: Cover the exit with what? Our spines?

Kristen: Your mom puts a lot of pictures up of you around her room, it's a little strange
Sock: No, not really. I put most of them up myself

Ben [about the lost souls]: They even drank all the Zimas
Sock: It's kinda a shame they have to go back to hell, I would love to party with these guys

Sam: Did it work?
Devil: No, i just wanted to tell you your pentagram is a Star of David. Mazel Tov!

Sock: She's so hot
Ben: Smoking
Sock: Shut your mouth, that is my sister and I have dibs

Kristen: I always thought my brother would be shorter, with different hair, and a lot more Asian
Sock: I could squint for you but that'd be offensive, wouldn't it?

Reaper Quotes

Hey, no shame in community college, K-Fed. I almost went


Sam [about the vessels]: Wait. So, they're not all little vacuums?
DMV Demon: The boss gives you the vessel he thinks you can handle. You must be a real moron