My boyfriend, Guero Davilas, worked for the cartel. When Guero was killed, he left everything to me to build a better life, so that's what I did. All I'm trying to do is be a legitimate business owner, but between corrupt law enforcement and everyone assuming I'm a criminal, I can't make that happen. So that's why I've come to the FBI.


When the story breaks, it won't just help Dumas. All the boys Lafayette put away, this could give them a second chance.


You said it yourself. The Captain isn't going to stop knocking on our door until he has a suspect. Either one of us goes down for this, or we all do.


This is New Orleans. We don't let people murder our own and get away with it, not even a Mexican cartel.

Capt. Gamble

Now I've got half of New Orleans out for my head. It's enough to turn anyone into a traitor.


Pote: After what happened to Tony, I swore that no child would ever be close to our business, but that was before. Hey, look at me. I swear, I will never let anything bad happen to our baby. He's going to have everything I didn't have as a child: safety and money.
Kelly Anne: And love.

I don't like keeping secrets in our family, and neither does Teresa.


The first thing you learn is the war never ends. Recovery is an everyday struggle. No matter what you try and do, you're never truly safe. And those demons that you want to forget, lock them in a box; they'll keep coming after you, reminding you of everything you want to forget. Everything you've ever done wrong. Everyone you've ever failed. All the damage you've caused and the people you've lost, and you'll want to give in. Just take a hit. Just have a drink. But it's a choice, an excruciatingly painful and impossible feeling choice. But for me, today, I'm going to choose to keep fighting. I'm going to choose to keep the demons at bay.

Kelly Anne

You are the kindest, most generous woman that I have ever known, with so much love in your heart that you have no idea what to do with it. And our baby, our baby, is going to love you as much as I love you.


Kelly Anne: I'm worse than the cartel. I'm a hundred times worse.
Pote: You're worse than…That doesn't make any sense.
Kelly Anne: I'm completely unfit to be a mother. I'm an addict, and I'm a rat, and I'm a liar, and I killed my husband. You don't even trust me. You followed me here. You were ready to shoot me!
Pote: Shoot you! I was not going to shoot you, Kelly Anne.
Kelly Anne: You don't know that.
Pote: I thought you were in trouble. You were acting suspicious. You lied to me. I thought you were having cold feet.
Kelly Anne: I am. My feet are freezing. What if I ruin this child's life? What if I can't handle it and I start using again? I'm sober now, but I will always be an addict.

Dumas: Walking away, it ain't that easy.
James: It's hard leaving your people behind. It's why I came back.
Dumas: You came back because you're in love with her.

Teresa: You know I was paying Lafayette. I can pay you.
Captain: You're offering me blood money.
Boaz: It spends the same.

Queen of the South Season 5 Quotes

Before you go drawing any bubble baths or making PB&Js, I’ve got a few questions for you, 007.


There was a time when I was always running for my life. Being chased, barely surviving. Now, I’m the one who does the hunting.
