Teresa: We made a deal, you broke it when you sold me to Camila Vargas.
Pecas: You would have done the same thing.
Teresa: No I wouldn’t.

What Devon did to you at the winery was terrible. I’m in this business to stop people like him from deciding how I live, or if I live.


You made a deal with the devil, Teresita. This is the price we pay.


Pecas: Mayo, you motherless snake. You set me up.
Mayo: What can I say, she pays better. I never liked you much anyway. Ain’t nobody going to trust a red-headed Mexican.

Cortez: You playing the long game, Your Highness? Tossing us scraps while you protect that bitch that feeds you?
King George: Now is this some kind of psychopathic courtship, cause I’m digging it. I like a man in uniform.

Your death’s going to be dark General, pitch black if I have anything to say about it.

King George

Camila: You have no loyalty to her?
King George: I’m a pirate, Madam, not a saint.

Everybody has their price. I guess yours is Phoenix.

Sheriff Mayo

You’re my only friend. I mean, I don’t have anybody else. I don’t want to lose you too.

Kelly Anne

I don’t kneel to witches. Adios, punta. I’ll see you in Hell.


Teresa: We can never hide the truth from each other.
Pote: I made a mistake. Please don’t question my loyalty, cause I live and die with you, Teresita.
Teresa: We’re family. We live and die with each other.

It’s a shame Teresa didn’t run when she had the chance. She likes the desert so much now I’m going to have to bury her in it. Her and her damn Indian.

Sheriff Maio

Queen of the South Season 3 Quotes

I hope she's living in a hole like a rat.


I'm sure you've heard the saying the ends justify the means. Most people think that's cruel. In my case, it's another day at the office. Lucky for me, I have people who handle the means.
