Cortez: You know, I still do not comprehend how do you walk away from your life's work.
Epifanio: My life's work is my family, and their failures are my own.

Teresa: I will keep you safe. You're going to be fine.
Kelly Anne: Why would you do that for me?
Teresa: Because I know how to survive.

Teresa, I trust you more than anyone. I would never lie to you.


Bitch, the only thing your ungrateful, traitorous, ass needs to do is pack your shit now or pray she kills me.


Teresa: I told Camila I wanted to be her partner. She asked me to handle the business while she was gone. Are you with me?
Pote: Always the hard way. What do you think? Of course.

James: Camila likes you because she can control you. The truth is, you are a sloppy, inexperienced girl who lets her emotions affect her judgement.
Teresa: No, you're upset because I work with Camila, and you work for her.

You see, you and I, we work for the same person, but only you are stupid enough to think that Camila won't throw you to the wolves to save her own ass.


Our people rely on the cocaine production for their survival. I'm a pragmatist. I have no desire to end that. As long as you project yourself as a proper businessman we have no issues.


Who’s the Wookie? No offense, brother. Chewbacca's the single greatest wingman in the history of the universe.

King George

I'm not a stupid woman. I'm a long horn with a lot of green. I live a life style most people would kill to have, and you don't get those things by being a stupid woman.

Kelly Anne

James: The minute I'm gone you end up in here. She's not ready, Camila. I can handle the business alone.
Camila: If it wasn't for Teresa we wouldn't have anything worth protecting.

Teresa: This is not about money, It's personal.
James: It's always about money.
Pote: Until it isn't.

Queen of the South Season 2 Quotes

Couture feels better than flannel.


There's an old saying about success, that it's lonely at the top. I'm here to tell you that that's bullshit. I run an international drug empire and I have everyone and everything that I need. On the way up, even your worst enemies can become your best friends, and your best friends? Collateral damage.
