Billy: How's our son?
Lettie: Our son? Now you care after all these years?
Billy: I never wanted to leave you. It was the best thing for Mateo, for both of you, I had to heal. It's been a long road.

Carmen: You hit that man.
Veronica: What? Who? Cruz Delgado? I don't know what to do.

You can play that card, hurt me, maybe even bring me down. Just remember, I'm not the only one who is undocumented. And it's not just Daniela. Are you willing to blow up your mother's life, too?


Antonio: I've been meaning to ask you about the night of the anniversary party. What was that about? Who's Carlos Rincón? Is it someone I should be worried about, or?
Mateo: Um. I was pretty wasted that night. I don't remember.

We're the same size. Like hermanas.

Young Margaret

Joe: Do you wake up in the morning thinking of ways to screw me over?
Margaret: Oh, Joe. I go to bed thinking about it, too.

Mr. Honeycroft: You look familiar, Lettie. Have we met?
Margaret: Lettie works for us, daddy. In the vineyard.
Mr. Honeycroft; Really? You can afford a $20 and hour tutor and you hire a wetback?

Mateo: I thought you didn't think I was a winemaker.
Joe: I don't. But old man Honeycroft said the same thing about me, and, well, look how that turned out?

Joe: What's this?
Junior: Just Mexican rap.
Joe: It's just as bad as American rap.

Lettie: Why did you come back here?
Billy: You think this is easy for me?
Lettie: I made peace with it when I told myself you were dead. Then I walk in here the other day and see you --
Billy: Lettie, go home. Go back to my brother.
Lettie: Billy, why?

Lettie: Is that what you see when you look at my son? You see Billie looking back at you. And that poor Daniela? Thirty years ago, that was me.
Joe: I will always protect this company.
Lettie: Yeah? What about your family? What about your family, Joe? I no longer know who you really are.

Mateo: You son of a bitch! How could you do this? You climb up the ladder, and then you pull it up behind you, huh? Does that make you feel like a big powerful man? Like the American success story? I know who you really are Carlos Rincón. Your whole life is based on a lie, Joe! His whole life is based on a lie! My father told me everything before he left.
Joe: Before her left, huh? So right before he stabbed me in the back? Right before he put your mother in the hospital. Before he left your family for whores?

Promised Land Season 1 Quotes

You think by putting on a collar God forgives you? I don't.

Lettie [to Ramos]

Joe: What's this?
Junior: Just Mexican rap.
Joe: It's just as bad as American rap.