Malcolm: I don't need a lawyer. I need to start solving this case.
Dani: You need to stop lying to us.
Malcolm: You need to start believing me.
JT: Um, do you guys wanna --
Malcolm: Talk about how I'm being framed? Yah.

Malcolm: I'm not my father.
Dani: We know that.

Malcolm: Why kill Eve?
Sterling: He must have been afraid she'd find his secrets amid the files Sophie stole. If you want to prove your innocence, get your father to tell you where those are.

Martin: I, uh, I love you both and being your father has been the best part of my life. You have been the best part of my life. 
Ainsley: Stop. I don't want to hear any last words from you. You are The Surgeon. You are the smartest one in here. Start acting like it.

Sophie: I'm sorry. I didn't get your name.
Malcolm: Malcolm. Malcolm Whitly. Your nametag says Dr. Sarah. But that's not right, is it? You're Sophie Sanders. The girl in the box.
Sophie: And you're the boy in the basement.

Malcolm: I'm sorry for everything my father did to you. For a long time, you were all I could think about. If you were real. If you were alive. If you were OK. And now I'm sorry that I couldn't save you.
Sophie: You were only a kid.

Edrisa: Bright! 
Malcolm: I won't. I promise.
Edrisa to herself: He didn't want me to kiss him, right?

You killed Eve. Framed me for murdering her killer, and you may you -- may have killed Gil Arroyo. Now, you deserve to die, Nicholas.


Stop talking to the police, Malcolm. They are not your friends. My attorneys are. Good thing I hire them by the dozen. Let's go. You're grounded.


Malcolm: Way to go, mom.
Ainsley: I don't know. I have done a lot of reading on Endicott pharmaceuticals, and honestly, they're kinda shady. I mean dad used to do research on them, and I'm pretty sure he just gave me the once over.

Dani: JT, you good? 
Martin: So this is JT. I've met the whole team. Hi! I'm Martin. Good thing you came in when you did. I was being brutally attacked

Jessica: What is wrong with me? What is it about me that I attract these horrible men?
Gil: There is nothing wrong with you, and there are good men out there too.
Jessica: I had a chance with a good man. I screwed it up.
Gil: We both did.

Prodigal Son Season 1 Quotes

Malcolm: We'll find the person who did this.
JT: Can you not touch me with your shaky bandaged hand?

Gil: Kid, what happened at Clairmont? Jessica stabbed him. You were there. 
Malcolm: How is she? Is she alright?
Gil: JT and Dani are talking to her down at the precinct, and I'm talking to you.