Malcolm: Edrisa sounded weird.
Dani: What's weird for her?
Malcolm: She didn't want to talk to me just now. Plus her voice sounded shakier.
Dani: She didn't want to talk to you?
Malcolm: Right? I'm going to go check on her.

Eve: What happened with Malcolm, he has a lot of demons.
Jessica: Yes, he does. More than you know. He saw things that his father did. He went through a hell I didnt know about.
Eve: I was going to say deep down I know your son is a good man, and that's because of you. So yes, I'll help.

Gil: You went to med school right?
Edrisa: No. I mean yes, but that's different.
Malcolm: You knew everything about the poison, Edrisa. You can save him.
Edrisa: No, I don't save people. That's not what I do.
Malcolm: Yah, but there must have been a time when you knew how to help people. I mean live people.
Edrisa: No, you're right. I can't do this.
Malcolm: Yes you can! Yes you can. Just forget that he's alive. Ok

I get it. I do. Real relationships can be hard as hell. Life is full of surprises and death is messy, but we can't run away from it. I can't run away from it. We need to face it. Maybe we can both face it together.


Dani: You guys OK?
Edrisa: Yeah, yeah. We're good. I handled it.
JT: I see you.

Dani: Only you would find it therapeutic talking to a killer.
Malcolm: You're the one I like talking to, and I promise I'm going to do better.

Martin: I just realized something. This might be a nightmare, but it's my nightmare, and I'm not a regular person, am I?
Young Malcolm: No, you're not. You're a predatory psychopath.
Martin: That's right, and what does that mean?
Young Malcolm: That you're always in control.
Martin: Yes. I am. You know I once told my son monsters don't exist, but that was a lie. You know the truth, don't you?
Girl in the Box: What are you going to do?
Martin: I'm going back to my family, of course. They need me. My boy.

Leanne: Go get him.
Edrisa: I'm sorry. I'm not going to do that. You're just going to have to shoot me.
Malcolm: Let's just do what Leanne says. It's just a body.
Leanne: No, he is not just a body!
Edrisa: She's right. I'm sorry, these aren't just dead bodies. They're people, who share their final moments with me. It's the ultimate privilege to be their last witness, and I won't let anyone dishonor that.

Dani: Who you calling?
Malcolm: Speaking of relationships to preserve, I owe someone an apology. Edrisa, listen, I need to tell you that I'm sorry.
Edrisa: You really don't.
Malcolm: But what I said at the hotel, I didn't mean to imply that you don't help people. That's crazy.
Edrisa: You were right. I panicked. It's the reason I became an ME instead of a clinician. I can't handle the stress.
Malcolm: Edrisa --
Edrisa: I have to go. Bye.

Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 15 Quotes

Malcolm: You can't take the fall for me.
Jessica: So dramatic, darling. Take the fall. Who are you, Al Capone?
Malcolm: It was one thing to buy me extra time to catch the killer, but now he's been caught. We can tell the truth. I stabbed my father in the heart.
Jessica: But I am the one who the carousel killer contacted, and I am the one with the resources. The worse thing we can do right now is change our story. Please, let me be your mother. There's so much I haven't been able to protect my children from, let me protect you from this.

Dani: What are those?
Malcolm: Uh, apparently my father listed me as his health care proxy and made me power of attorney. God knows why.
Dani: Sounds kind of important. 
Malcolm: Well I don't want it, and I don't want to talk about it. Sorry.