And who's looking cray-cray now, Spencer?


Andrew: Busy?
Spencer: Yeah, I was just about to put out a new doormat that said, "Go away!"

Our best friend is at home chewing her elbows and you're horse shopping?


Aria: Pretty sure when you and Caleb broke up you locked yourself in your bedroom for two weeks and all you ate was Eskimo pies.
Hanna: They were skinny cows, and it was four days.

I think we would know if Spencer was here. People would be running for cover.


Is she "Saint Ali" now? Are her bones holy relics or something?


I once killed a cactus. I thought the only way you could do that was with a gun.


Emily: Sometimes things look bad, and they're really not. Sometimes there's another explanation for what's going on.
Spencer: And what if that explanation is even worse?

We're your friends; we're not your punching bags.

Aria(to Spencer)

Aria: "Unable are the loved to die for love is immortality."
Hanna: That's creepy.
Aria: It's Emily Dickinson.
Hanna: I don't care if it's Santa Claus, considered me creeped.

I always hated biology. I mean who cares how a cell divides, it just does.


Aria: I wake up every morning with the intention of telling him, and then I go to sleep every night feeling guilty that I didn't.
Hanna: At least you have your afternoons free.

Pretty Little Liars Season 3 Quotes

Three against one, A wins.


Melissa is a Hastings, we bounce back like super balls.


Pretty Little Liars Season 3 Music

  Song Artist
In My Veins Andrew Belle iTunes
Song We Turn It Up Oh Land iTunes
Turn It Up Megan Oliver iTunes