I was thinking that we could start over.

Ghost [to Tasha]

Ghost: I don't know how to trust you, Tasha.
Tasha: I don't know how to trust you either, Ghost. But if we're going to make this work, then we don't have another choice.

You put a hand on my son, Kanan? I will fuck you up.


You know all this bad shit happened because you set me up.

Kanan [to Ghost]

I killed Shawn. I killed my own son. And I would do it again if I had to. He was soft, not like you.


I can't get away from myself.


We're a family and we protect each other.


Come on, there's got to be some part of you that knowd I didn't do this, otherwise why would you be sitting here right now?

Ghost [to Angela]

Silver: Do we have anythig to worry about?
Ghost: No.

I think Jamie's innocent.


I'm not flipping on Tommy, man.


Proctor: James knew about the recording. That's why he broke into Know's apartment. To find it. To save you.
Tommy: Fuck.
Proctor: Yeah, fuck!

Power Season 4 Quotes

Tommy: Besides if he was still alive he would have shot us all by now. I mean unless he found Jesus and got a complete personality transplant.
Tasha: Are you sure?
Tommy: Yeah I'm sure. Kanan is dead.

Listen to me very carefully, your husband has just been through the most humiliating process a man ever faces. All because of his girlfriend.

Proctor [to Tasha]