Juliana: We have bad history. Unique and me. I don't respect him. I don't trust him. There's nothing for us to talk about as long as you're his brother.
Ronnie: Unique always gonna be my brother. But that don't mean we the same.

Unique: Ain't seen you in a little minute. Almost forgot how good you look. You even bringing that heat to a homegoing.
Raq: It's too many ears around for you to be talking like that.

Ignoring me ain't gonna go well for you, Kanan. Promise you that.


Imma tell you one last time, Ronnie. Raq out the game. She ain't involved here. It's just us, man! Lane wide fucking open!


You know what? You ain't shit, Ronnie. You ain't shit.


Paul: Just listen to me, alright? I can't have you fucking up my real work, Kanan. Because you know like, after you're gone, I still need a job.
Kanan: I ain't go nowhere, Paul.

Look, I don't know what shit you doing Kanan, but I can tell it ain't good.


Snap: I've always found Unique to be reasonable. Reasonable and thoughtful. And if he is saying to sit tight while he's figuring out some things, I would suggest that you give him time to fashion a plan.
Ronnie: Nique's plans being made by his dick. He fucking the competition.

You don't run me, Ronnie. I run you. And I will run your ass into the fucking ground.


Kanan: Ma, that gun ain't mine.
Raq: Why would I ever believe you, Kanan? You don't live at home no more. You got new friends. And we don't even talk. I can't believe you because I don't even know you.

Unique: Like I said before, Ronnie, I'm still getting some shit together right now. It's gonna take a little minute.
Ronnie: While you take your minute, Raq eating our fucking lunch.

Quân: We can't help who we love.
Unique: Ain't that the damn truth.