Sometimes I think this is no longer my world.


Matthew: You really think Emily was a part of it?
Herman: She laid with the man who killed your son. You heard her say guilty. Consider the cold light, Matthew.
Matthew: I came home mean sometimes. Maybe that's why she went with that guy.
Herman: It's in our blood. We have a weakness for degenerate femininity.
Matthew: My mother is not a degenerate. While you were here, living it up, my mother and me? We did with nothing. It's not easy. What we've been doing here. It's not easy, this deal.
Herman: It was cowardly of me. It was not Christian, and I would like to atone for that.

You're all in big, fucking trouble.


What kind of an accountant burns money?!

Sister Alice: Mama, you don't need to worry about Charlie Dodson. God told me just now.
Birdy: What did God tell you?
Sister Alice: I'm going to resurrect him.

Perry: I don't like it here.
E.B.: We do what we don't like so the greater good gets served. You more than anyone else should know that.

Perry: Do you know how many different types of thread there are in this city?
E.B.: You'll find it, boy-o. That's the kind of thing you're good at.

Maynard, you have, entirely, a bucket of eels.


Emily, whoever took your son never meant to hurt him. They just wanted money. And something went horribly wrong.

We only kept the females. I mean, when we were havin' litters. Not that we pushed the toms out, mind you. We're right Catholics. Mr. Trotter got a bucket and drown 'em. It's the humane thing to do.

Mrs. Trotter

Della: E.B. will take care of everything. Don't you worry.
Emily: Don't worry. We just went casket shopping for my son.

Do I pay you to answer the phone? Yes. I do.


Perry Mason Season 1 Quotes

I'd have said it was over when the talkies came, but clearly, the man still has a lot to offer the world.


That's your problem; you get no fun out of life.
