Tom: It's complicated.
Solomon: I can see that.
Tom: Just focus on the deal. Make it happen.
Solomon: I intend to.

Solomon: I just remembered something you said when we were kids.
Co-Worker: What was that?
Solomon: You said your father told you that Koreans must've been raised by dogs. Why else would we shove our faces into our bowls instead of picking them up like you?

Father: When you were just a week old, your mom and I, we barely slept saying up night and day to watch over you. That's when I swore to you... as long as you kept breathing... I would do anything to keep the ugliness of the world from touching you.
Young Sunja: Mmm
Father: I'm going to keep that promise.

Young Sunja: The cove is calm today. I can do my lessons with the women. Can I go?
Mother: Have you been listening to me?
Young Sunja: Yes. Next tie, I'll tell Mr. Song that because I'm a girl, I must disobey him.
Mother: Nevermind that-
Young Sunja: And that he's not a good enough fisherman to be giving me money.
Mother: Fine. Off with you.

Young Sunja: He doesn't look very happy.
Fisherman: That's because even the most wretched creatures yearn to live.
Young Sunja: Not the lady who sells chestnuts.

Sunja: What did you say to those boys?
Koh Hansu: If they bothered you again, I'd kill them, and feed their bodies to dogs. I say this to put your mind at ease.

Isak: To raise a child on your own, the repercussions-
Sunja: I'm not under any illusion about my fate. I understand my child and I will be outcasts. That I'll have to leave the boarding house so as not to ruin my mother's business. I know all this. And yet-- I... I was loved by an outcast. My father. It's strange how much I am thinking of him now. For most of his life he was told he'd never marry or have a child of his own. But here I am. I am here even though I shouldn't be. And now... my child is here even though he shouldn't be. And he will be loved. Even if I must work until my fingernails break and my back aches and my stomach foes empty. My child... He will want for nothing. That's my promise to him. My father... he made the same promise to me when I was born. No. I will not... give up this child.

Isak: If I'm going to Osaka, I need to get stronger.
Yangjin: Must you go? I know a church is waiting for you, but if you were to die there, so far from home...
Isak: I have nearly died so many times. I know it too well. I am not scared of that. Living, on the other hand... That's the hard part for me.

Solomon: Grandmother. Give yourself a day or two.
Grandma Sunja: What? You think these things will break me? These are just things. Even this house -- a roof, some walls. Nothing more.

Sunja: If we marry quickly she'll be put at ease.
Koh Hansu: Why are you suddenly speaking of marriage? I thought you knew what this was.
Sunja: Knew? What does that mean?
Koh Hansu: I can't marry you. I have a family. In Osaka, I have a wife and three daughters. It's not exactly a marriage of love, but a necessary arrangement.
Sunja: A necessary arrangement?
Koh Hansu: Necessary for business reasons. There's no affection.

Sunja: I'm with child. You must say something.
Koh Hansu: Are you sure? Sunja! You bring me my son!
Sunja: You have no way to know it's a boy.
Koh Hansu: But I know it. I'm certain of it.

Koh Hansu: An Atonement for my absence
Sunja: It's too pretty to rip open!
Koh Hansu: You must learn to be less sentimental about things.

Pachinko Season 1 Quotes

Young Sunja: He doesn't look very happy.
Fisherman: That's because even the most wretched creatures yearn to live.
Young Sunja: Not the lady who sells chestnuts.

Father: He has been promoted to vice-president by his American bank!
Hiroto-San: Not bad for the son of a Pachinko man. Is it true you went to Yale?
Solomon: If my father says so, then it must be.