For your sake, I will continue. But for my own, I would not.

Jamie [to Claire]

I went through the stones once to save my baby. Now you’re going back to save yours.


Claire: I love you.
Jamie: I’m not as brave as I was before you came. Not brave enough to live without you anymore.

Oh, I dream of the past. Why would I not dream of the future?


Brianna: No, not at all. You are magical to me.
Jamie: This world of yours, this America, this freedom that you go to, there will be a fearful price to be paid. Will it be worth it, do you think?
Brianna: Almost nothing would be worth losing you, but maybe that comes close.

Brianna: I came here to save my parents, but I will do anything to save our daughter. I’ll have no regrets.
Jamie: Is it disappointing here, in this place in this time?

Jamie: Let’s go get my wife.
Brown: You’re a good man. A moral man.
Jamie: I’m also a violent man. Any goodness that prevails in me is because of my wife. You tried to take her from me.

Brown: You won’t kill me. Not in cold blood. You wouldn’t dare.
Jamie: Make your peace with the Lord if you must, Mr. Brown.

Outlander Season 7 Quotes

Brown: You won’t kill me. Not in cold blood. You wouldn’t dare.
Jamie: Make your peace with the Lord if you must, Mr. Brown.

Jamie: Let’s go get my wife.
Brown: You’re a good man. A moral man.
Jamie: I’m also a violent man. Any goodness that prevails in me is because of my wife. You tried to take her from me.