Tryon: As I said to you when you first arrived on these shores, Mr. Fraser, there is the law...
Jamie: And there is what is done.

Brianna: Because, because I told him that Jemmy was his. I thought that he was going to die, and I thought that it would be of comfort to him to know there'd be something of his left in this world. Roger, I am so sorry. I am so sorry. I didn't know if you were coming back, and I was scared, and I was grieving for you. They are just words. Words that you need never to hear.
Roger: Words have consequences. All these months since I've been back. At the wedding. The blood oath. You were sure the child was Bonnet's.
Brianna: Roger, how could I ever know for sure that Jemmy is his?
Roger: You told him so. You've never said as much to me.
Brianna: I didn't think I needed to.
Roger: Brianna, what do you truly believe? In your heart, what do you truly believe?

Jamie: Believe of me what you will, but Murtagh Fitzgibbons Fraser is a good man.
Lieutenant Knox: As God is my witness, I will do what must be done. Damned if I'll be in league with a traitor!
Jamie: I'm no traitor. I've cheated death in the duty of other men's ambitions. I've got the scars to prove it. And I've done so without complaint, but I will not stand by and watch my kin hunted like a dog for protecting those who can't protect themselves.

I'm not going to ask you to explain why you didn't tell me because it doesn't matter. He doesn't matter.


Claire: He reminded me of someone. Someone I lost.
Priest: No one's lost who is not forgotten.
Claire: Perhaps I just needed to be reminded of that.

Roger: Did you not play the ace of hearts in your last hand?
Bonnet: You're mistaken.
Roger: It must have been the ace of diamonds.

Roger: I avoided confrontation. I kept the peace.
Jamie: You ken the meaning of the word Captain, Captain MacKenzie? Is that one you can explain to me? Your men left because you betrayed their trust. Those are men who won't have much faith left. They swore to follow us into battle, to risk their lives. As Captain, you must honor their loyalty above all else.

Jamie: I have no life but you, Claire, but if you wanted another child, I thought that perhaps I might give you one, one that you wouldn't have to suffer carrying.
Claire: Please know that if it's at all possible, I love you even more for wanting to take the chance. I also regret that we were never parents together. Regret isn't reason enough. I love our life. I love our home together. Would we even be the best home for her? And there's our obituary. I am grateful for every day we have.

Marsali: He died in prison. I killed him.
Brianna: You didn't kill him.
Marsali: You see, thinking, no matter how hard you long doesn't make something come true.

Jamie: What would you do when the whiskey ran out?
Roger: I was hoping that you would arrive before that happened, and you did.

Claire: Why do you keep the goats indoors?
Girl: It's too cold for them in the barn.
Claire: Too cold for the goats but not for the bondservant?

I thought apoplexy killed a man outright. I never thought to ask Jenny if my father suffered.


Outlander Season 5 Quotes

Jamie: But having just got you back, must I give you away so soon?
Brianna: Da. No matter where I am, I will always be your wee girl.

Claire: You've been busy.
Jamie: I should so what I can for her. While I have the chance. We've not had enough time together.
Claire: It was going to happen one day. And we're giving her away to a man who loves her. What? You doubt his love?