Lord John: I don't believe I've ever met anyone so devastatingly straight forward, male or female.
Claire: Well, it's not by choice. I was born that way.
Lord John: So was I.

  • Permalink: So was I.
  • Added:

Lord John: Do you feel yourself content?
Jamie: I have all that a man could want -- home, honorable work, a wife by my side, good friends, and the knowledge that my son is safe and well cared for. I want no more.

When you find the time, perhaps you can tell me about his mother unless that's a secret as well.


William: Do you remember me?
Jamie: Fondly.
William: Then why did you not remind me of our acquaintanceship when we were introduced?
Jamie: I dinnae ken. Do you still have the wooden snake I carved for you?
William: I'm too old for toys, sir.

William: May I be excused?
Jamie: There's a privy right outside the cabin, Master William.
William: Outside? Won't someone fetch a chamber pot?

Lord John: Can I interest you in a game of chess?
Jamie: I'm afraid I don't have a chess set.
Lord John: Fortunately for you, I brought mine. I never travel without it.

Lord John: Have you not fared well in the new world?
Murtagh: Aye. I've more than rats to eat, my Lord.
William: You've eaten rats, sir?!

Murtagh: By all accounts, it's the Governor himself who is unreasonable and dangerous.
Lord John: Those regulators tied a Sheriff to his horse and marched with his beaten body through the streets of Hillsboro. There were women and children present. Would you call that reasonable?
Murtagh: Exaggeration and falsehood.
Lord John: I'm told there were many witnesses.

Claire: Murtagh! Jamie said you weren't coming! Is it really you?
Murtagh: Well, it's not the Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy!

Jamie: Does Brianna have a birthmark on her neck?
Claire: Yes, she does, but I don't remember mentioning it to you.
Jamie: I saw it in a dream last night. A wee brown mark shaped like a diamond. It was behind her left ear.

Adawehi: Do you have children?
Claire: Yes, I have a daughter, but she lives far, far away.
Adawehi: She is here.
Claire: Yes. She is here. [touches her heart]

This isn't the Cherokee. This is a bear!


Outlander Season 4 Quotes

Bonnet: I never married, although I've always been partial to rings. The watchman dispossessed me of mine. There's something about the notion of an infinite circle that fascinates me.
Claire: The hangman's noose is a circle that you'd do well to avoid in the future.

Ian: Have you ever lain with someone when you didn't want to do it?
Jamie: I have.
Ian: Then you understand how it can be that you can do it without wishing to, detesting it, and all the while it feels pleasing.
Jamie: Ay. What it comes down to, it comes down to is that your cock doesn't have a conscience, but you have. It's not your fault. You did what you must. You survived. That's all that matters.