Piggy: You get the hell out!
Teddy: Now, now. Is that any way to talk to an old friend?

Leah: You have twisted the legacy of this family to serve your own greed!
Teddy: Do you know why I bought this table? Because it was the biggest one I can find. And I put it in this room because of the incline, so that everyone sitting around this table has to raise their head to look up at me! A Black man in America holding the American dream in my Black hands. So don't you tell me that you don't like the dirt under my fingernails. You can keep your seat at the foot of this table just never forget who sits at the head of, little girl.

Oh, lord. Chocolate does melt in the summer, right? Because I'm trying to sop all that up.


Lauren: Guys, are we taking this photo or not?
Nikki: I guess they don't teach manners in the sunken place.

Gotta secure the crown. Right mama?


A black woman's relationship with her hair starts well before she can even walk continues from the moment her mother teaches her how to do her own hair. It evolves, it's generational, it's personal. It's a lot more than hot right now.


Leah: I'm glad you stopped by. I wanted to talk about what happened earlier. I'm not in the business of tearing down Black women. I'm actually in the business of building up our sisters. Hell, I want to build a whole community. Because that's what being a Gracety means to me.
Angela: We do the same thing. Just differently. We're two sides of the same coin.
Leah: Two very different sides of the same coin.
Angela: Because of the amount of money in our bank accounts? I'm starting to get the rules around her. To be honest with you from where I stand, you're a slave to them.
Leah: I'm not a slave to anything.
Angela: But you humiliated me all because you're so desperate to serve this lifestyle. Maybe you're the maid up in here. My mother left me one thing, the one ting she had was that old boarding house down on Deloy street. You know it?
Leah: My family used to own it.
Angela: Come see about me. Eve's Crown can hook up those dry ends.

Teddy Franklin is my father.


You know I birthed two beautiful children for her, and she still comes for me.


You asked me to find a seat at the table. I found one. Yours.


Our Kind of People Season 1 Quotes

Lauren: Guys, are we taking this photo or not?
Nikki: I guess they don't teach manners in the sunken place.

You know I birthed two beautiful children for her, and she still comes for me.
