Alison: Why do I have this face? I could've been born with many faces. I could've been a cop or I could've been a scientist. But I wound up microwaving mini-pizzas and chauffeuring kids to circus camp. Why this life?
Donnie: Because we're happy?

Talk to the bouncing hand, Donnie!


Alison: Why do I love my sisters so much when they've ruined my life?
Donnie: Your life isn't ruined! It's just waiting for you to come back and sparkle it up.

My hand is purple, and it makes the air all fuzzy.


I don't need to hit you, Ferdinand. I don't need to anymore.


MK: Thank you for trying, Sarah. I wish it could have been different for us.
Sarah: Me too.

You have no idea the volcano that outfit is inspiring in me right now.


Shove it up your bleached ass.

Sarah [to Rachel]

Let's go kidnap my daughter.


I want to know why I'm like this. And I don't want to go with you! I'm going with Rachel!


I know it's been a sad day, but we're going to take such good care of you.

Rachel [to Kira]

Delphine: I'm not a ghost.
Mrs. S: Yeah, I heard.

Orphan Black Quotes

Alison: Felix, are you high?
Felix: I didn't know there was going to be a huge emergency, did I?

C'mon. Get your shit together you silly tit!
