You're just like your mother. Never thinking of consequences.


It's OK Swan. Not everyone gets the chance to watch their parents fall in love.


Regina: Do you really think turning me into a bug will stop me?
Snow: No, but stepping on you will.

Hook: What the hell are you doing? You're depriving me of a dashing rescue.
Emma: Sorry. The only one who saves me is me.

It's how you know you really got a home. When you leave it there's this feeling you can't shake. You just miss it.


She's even worse without the sensible pants suits.


One of these days I'm going to stop chasing this woman.


King Midas' daughter? The man who can turn anything into gold. Why would you leave that opportunity?


Are you sure the first thing he knows is that his parents fell in love during an armed robbery?


Maybe things work out when they're suppose to. Maybe it's all about timing.


You're not going to hold him out in front of the clock tower and present him like the Lion King, are you?


Evil is isn't born, it's made and so is good.


Once Upon a Time Season 3 Quotes

Regina: This isn't the wild west.
Zelena: No dear. It's the wicked west.

I've yet to see you fail and when you do succeed, well that's when the fun begins.
