Cesar: Oscar kept telling me to reach out to you guys. I never listened. He knew we needed each other.
Jamal: I wonder if he's the one who sent us those letters?
Ruby: To bring us back together.
Monse: Because he was always looking out for us.
Cesar: Who's going to look out for us now?
Ruby: You will. All that time you spent looking up to Oscar. He was looking up to you too.

Ruby: Abuelita has cancer.
Jamal: When did she tell you?
Ruby: She didn't. You did. Last night.
Jamal: Shit.
Ruby: It's Okay. At least now I know.
Jamal: I'm sorry. Does Abuelita know that you know and does she know that I know that you know?

Cesar: I want out. Jump me out. You guys say you're a family, but family doesn't hold each other back. You guys are a joke. Just a bunch of pussies.
Sad Eyez: Look, I know what you're doing, but that's not how we're doing this. You want out, you're out. Your debt's been paid.
Cesar: Bullshit. I pay my own debt. Come on. Hit me!
Sad Eyez: Why do you think Spooky almost died the night he got jumped out, huh? He wasn't just taking the punches for himself.
Cesar: Why would he do that? Didn't he know I was not worth saving?
Sad Eyez: No, you have it all backwards. Spooky never felt worthy of you.

I don't want to get back together with Ruby right now. I'm busy, I'm in a relationship with myself, and I am a lot of work.


I am sick and tired of everyone treating me like I'm fragile. I'm not a damn kid anymore! I'm not afraid of anything or anyone.


I just want you to be happy even if it's without me.


Ricky: So how are you gonna do it? C'mon, I've seen that look more times than I can remember. Hell, I own that look. You gonna lurk up on the fool and then pop goes the weasel? Or maybe a drive-by, spray up all his homies.
Cesar: I want him to see my face.
Ricky: Yeah?
Cesar: Yeah. I'll creep up on him. Slide my piece up to his forehead, so the bitch can see me smile before I pull the trigger.
Ricky: Then what? Then what? See, that's where the problem lies. Everybody thinks about the moment. That's human nature. We replay it on our head over and over again and then nobody thinks about the after.
Cesar: The after?
Ricky: You're going to do that fool a favor. If you kill him, no more head on the swivel, no more night sweats, no more facing 25 to life in La Pinta, all that shit is no longer his problem, it's yours. That's the after.

Cesar: You were right about everything.
Oscar: Let me call Sad Eyez.
Cesar: I've been put off. I'm scared, Oscar.
Oscar: I know.
Cesar: I'm sorry.
Oscar: Hey, it's going to be okay. This is what it's about, mano. This moment of clarity. We'll figure it out.

You don't bring kiddie glue to a glue gunfight!


Geny: I'm telling you, if it wasn't considered elder abuse, I would knock you out.
Abuelita: Bring it, bitch!

Ray: Mijo, your brother was in the life, and the streets got a long memory. This ain't about you.
Cesar: Either way, someone's gonna pay.

Just because I'm not here, doesn't mean I'm not looking out for you. I got you. Por vida.
