Melanie can't die. I already lost one Mum. I can't lose another.


Keep Toadie away from here. I don't want his sympathy.


Andrew: You and Sadie are all I need. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel otherwise.
Wendy: That's not why I've been lashing out at you. I was heartbroken when I learned I couldn't have more children. I asked myself what was wrong with me, and I was afraid I wasn't good enough. And when I heard about what happened with Phillipa, it reminded me of that.

Andrew: The Board of Education was quite clear that they want the organizer of the protest to answer for it.
Wendy: Organizers. Plural. I helped organize it too.
Andrew: I'm not arresting you, Wendy.
Wendy: Why? Because I'm married to you? That's favoritism or nepotism or something.

Out of fear that you'll put up a tent if I don't, I'll listen to what you have to say. But make it quick.


Are you sure you still want me here? First day back and I manage to get myself arrested.


Paul: I heard it was your idea to have Melanie stay with the Kennedys. Keeping your enemy close is a good maneuver.
Terese: Melanie is not my enemy.
Paul: I'm just saying, if my partner's ex who still has a hold on the children was in the picture, I'd want to keep a close eye too.
Terese: Thank you, Paul, for this reminder that you and I are very different people.

We're trying to move on as a family. How are we meant to do that with Melanie right across the street?


Jane: I was short 50 cents, so Haz said I could bring it by tomorrow.
Nicolette: You are the most honest person I know.
Jane: Well, if you don't have your word, what do you have?

Susan: A protest, really?
Nicolette: How'd you find out?
Susan: That's not important.
Nicolette: You haven't told Mum, have you?
Susan: No, but you've answered my next question. She doesn't know, does she?
Nicolette: We don't want her to get her hopes up, or tell the police and have us shut down.
Susan: Andrew doesn't know either? The Education Department has made their decision. The Council have approved it. Terese owns the land.
Nicolette: Decisions can be reversed. I know that you're friends with Terese, but this is for the school.
Wendy: The school you love so much.
Nicolette: A protest may be a long shot, but we have to try. Please don't say anything.

Mackenzie: Do you want to keep seeing her [Holly]?
Haz: Yes
Mackenzie: Then you have to tell her what you need.

David: None of us is defined by our worst moment.
Krista: That's easy for you to say. You don't have my history.
David: No, but I have my own.

Neighbours Quotes

I quit my job. I gave up my future. And I feel like it's all because of you.


Toadie: What do you get for the couple that has everything?
Melanie: What do you get for a groom who's been married six times?