Deeks [to Kilbride]: I'll be the first to admit I don't always like [Whiting]. But I've learned not to doubt her intuition.
Whiting: Deeks, that may be the nicest thing you've ever said about me.

Whiting: I'm glad to see my near-death experience hasn't rattled your trademark childish insults.
Deeks: I mean, you started it.

Sam: Oh, hell, no.
Kilbride: You have a better idea, Agent Hanna?
Sam: I will if you let me think about it.

We're going to investigate this ourselves and find the truth.

Sam [to Roundtree]

Deeks: Hey, Whiting!
Whiting: Sorry to bring this to your door. But you know all those favors you owe me? I'm calling them in, all of them, right now.

Now we're two. Three, if you count the giant elephant in the room. But who's counting?

Whiting [to Rountree]

Whiting: Had to check with your parents? Did they say you could come out to play?
Rountree: Come on before I change my mind.

Rountree: I don't know. Deeks still freaks me out a little bit.
Deeks: Way to kill a moment.
Kilbride: Exceptions to every rule.

I am so tired.


Callen: Arkady?
Anna: It would mean a lot to him.
Callen: Arkady?
Anna: Do you have anybody else in mind?
Callen: Anybody else.

Callen: You know, it's not too late to elope.
Anna: Just answer the damn questions.

Sam: Sometimes, the hardest people to talk to are family.
Deeks: That's absolutely true. Exhibit A: Roberta Deeks.

NCIS: Los Angeles Quotes

Callen: If I was in charge of Operations, I wouldn't be your partner.
Sam: Talk about a win-win.

Fatima: How is everybody?
Kensi: We're good.
Fatima: How is Edward Morrison?
Sam: He's not so good. He's dead.