I don't live in some fantasy world where artistic integrity comes without a price.


I think I'm doomed to make the same mistakes over and over again, never able to see them before they happen, constantly cleaning up the mess like some darkness in me that'll never go away.


You're being a real ass to the people that I love.

Will [to Zack]

I hope one day, for your sake, you can figure out how to search your soul on your own.

Scarlett [to Gunnar]

Juliette: How can I make this right?
Deacon: You can't. I'm gonna keep battling for Highway 65, but not for you, for everybody else. When the dust settles, if there's still a label, you're off of it.

You are an impulsive, egotistical, narcissist that masquerades as a nice guy.

Zack [to Brad]

Avery: It's not like we're gonna crash and burn.
Juliette: Bad analogy.

Deacon: Being a grown up means sometimes having to do things you don't want to do.
Maddie: Then I don't want to be a grown up.
Deacon: Yeah, me either.

Do you think she would want you to be so miserable that you lost yourself? Don't you think she would want you to live this one life, right now?


Rayna signed us because she loved our songs, not because she saw dollar signs.


Lady: We know everybody from Nashville sings!
Alyssa: I'm from Seattle.

You always had some girl who was sweet enough but kind of plain and you'd be inseparable from her.

Kelly Walker [to Gunnar]

Nashville Quotes

Daphne: You wanted us to be taken more seriously, and I was just trying to-
Maddie: To look ridiculous?

Marshall: It's not a request.
Rayna: Well I don't take orders.