Janey: You know what I think?
Bill: I'm beginning to get a sense.
Janey: I think you were frustrated, you needed someone to blame, and when you couldn't find the killer, Olivia would do.
Bill: That's unfair.

Robey: At some point, a person's number comes up. Do you know what that means?
Brady: That they die.
Robey: No. Not that number. The opportunity number.

Janey: You know, the killer could have taken someone elses car, committed the exact same crime. Why did you have to treat her like that?
Bill: It wasn't as bad as your mother makes it sound.
Janey: I DON'T believe you! That's exactly the way Olivia made it sound. Hostile. You were hostile to her!
Bill: Yeah, well, truth be told, she was hostile to us, too. She cared more about her stupid car than she did about her victims. She treated us like assholes.

Bill: Now, back off! I told you it's not safe around here!
Jerome: Yeah, about that. I don't think it's entirely safe around my house, either.

Bill: Do you really think you're that good that you can make me eat my gun?
Brady: I'm just giving it the old college try.
Bill: [laughs] You never went to college!

Janey: Is it really wise pissing off a lunatic?
Bill: People make mistakes when they're angry.
Janey: People make corpses when they're angry, too.

Deborah: I think God gave your father all his light at once, and he died in the glory of that light.
Brady: And what was the Almighty's plan for Gerald?
Deborah: He was so special, God just had to take him early.
Brady: So why'd he send him back?

You know, they say that much electricity hitting your body all at once is pleasurable.


I've seen that look before.


Bill: You're flawless.
Janey: Now I know you're drunk.

Bill: It's not just the letters, Pete. He sends me messages through the computer.
Stupid Woman: Your PC is talking to you?

Janey: It's like we both have vengeance on the brain.
Bill: Ain't nothin' wrong with a little vengeance. It's not just love makes the world go around.

Mr. Mercedes Quotes

God. Showing up at a job fair in a Mercedez Benz. It's a sign of the times I guess, right?


Bill: Holy fuck.
Pete: It's worse than it looks.