Nicky: Daddy?
Albie: don't ask me any questions, Nicolette.
Nicky: Oh my God, did you do it? Did you?
Albie: It had to be done, and you don't need to know anything else except everything is going to be alright now. I promise.

Nicky wrote these letters. What the hell is my sister hiding?


Luke: What's your plan?
Nicky: My plan? Well my plan was to outwork everyone, have a solo career in my 20s, a hit single in my 30s and by now I would be selling out world tours but instead, I'm being told that I wasn't good enough.

I'm sorry that Grant told you that you weren't enough, but momma's been telling me that my whole life.


Luke: What have I got to do, tell me. For you to look at me the way that you do Gigi and Nicky? When am I enough? What do I have to do to be enough? You know why momma brought me onboard? Because she needed someone to bring us into the future and stop living in the past. If that ain't working for you, maybe I should just step aside.
Albie: Yeah, maybe you should.

Alec: Where have you been hiding her?
Dottie: We Romans like to choose our moment.

Monarch Quotes

We gotta show the world that the Roman family legacy will carry on beyond me. We are the first damn family of Country Music.


A Roman never forgets a friend, or an enemy.
