Doug: You're the first person I want to share my news with, good and bad. I want to be that for you.
Tina: I want that, too.

Shelly: Look at this, Joycey. You think Jackie O got this turnout when she came back?
Joyce: Well, yeah, but her husband just died.

Evelyn: You remember Jared from First Baptist?
Tina: Mmhmm.
Evelyn: He has four sons now.
Tina: I bet he's a great dad.
Evelyn: You could give him a call since you love married men.

Bambi: It's not the song that matters. It's who you jam with.
Richie: Wrong.
Bambi: When I listen to music with family, everything sounds right.
Richie: We're not family. We're friends who work together.
Bambi: That is so mean.

Benji: So, you sell magazines about vaginas, huh?
Doug: About vaginas, no. We're mostly in the penis business now, actually.

Ruby: You brought this sack of shit?
Doug: Hey Ruby. Good to see you.

Joyce: Oh my god! You're proposing to Tina?
Doug: Yeah, the timing's right. I can't go to Europe without that woman. There's a time difference. Then the cost of international calls is through the roof.

You think this is the first time I've seen a penis stuffed someplace it doesn't belong? I got two boys.


Doug: Man, I miss that sound. Money and tears.
Joyce: Stately pleasure dome decree.
Doug: You know, maybe you're right, Joycey. Maybe things are getting better.

Tina: As your friend, I am thrilled people are seeing your talent. As managing editor, I have to tell you, you're in breach of contract. You're exclusive to Minx.
Richie: Wow. Okay. Good to know.

Nothing in Vegas is free. Let's leave while we're up. Trust me. Let's leave while we're up.

Doug [to Joyce]

Joyce: It's possible, verging on probable, that I have underappreciated your contributions.
Doug: You underappreciated me? No.

Minx Season 2 Quotes

Richie: Some crazy rich lady tracked me down. Offered me a lot of money to take boudoir shots for her. She wants the Minx touch.
Joyce: What? Richie, no. That's beneath you.
Richie: I'm wearing an apron, ogling my godson. Don't tell me what's beneath me.

Reporter: You've had quite the ride, Ms. Prigger. How do you make it look so easy?
Joyce: Well, the real question is, why do men make it look so hard?