Victor: How is it you know all this but you've never gotten above a B- in calculus?
Chase: Calcs boring. I like practical applications.

Please don't say it's going to be OK. My mom is a murderer; all of our parents are murderers!


There's something in here about any church intake files, arrivals, runaways.


Stacey: We're never going to get out. Oh my god.
Gert: What happened?
Stacey: You wouldn't understand.
Gert: Really? Just like I wouldn't understand you were lying about the hedgehog?

Cop: Can I help you?
Alex: I'd like to report a murder? I mean, I wouldn't LIKE to, but...

Robert: He's passed out. He's probably passed out for days.
Victor [smelling him]: He would shit his pants. We can't take that chance.

Chase: Are you going to say sorry to her?
Team Dude: No. I got a broken rib because of that bitch.
Chase: Good thing you got 23 more! [begins a fight]

Now. How hard can it be to find a dinosaur in the Palisades?


Did you see them? The lights?


Robert: I mean, never mind last night. What we do, doesn't it take anything out of you?
Tina: Of course. I'm just trying to have some fun, Robert. Remember fun? You always used to love going to hotels. Having me come by in the middle of the day...

Tina: I've booked us a room five minutes away. It worked for Dakota Johnson.
Robert: We're not characters in some trashy movie. This is real life. We're in a real marriage.

Chase: Were you just checkin' out my junk?
Gert: What makes you say that?
Chase: The X-Ray goggles on your head?
Gert: I may have given it cursory glance purely out of scientific curiosity.

Marvel's Runaways Season 1 Quotes

Geoffrey: Those friends of yours are probably feeling the exact same way you are today.
Alex: Actually, they're doing just fine.
Geoffrey: Or maybe they're better at hiding what's really going on.

Kids that know you when you're young? No one will ever know you like that again. Don't give up on that.
