So where do we go from here?

Lia [to Magnum]

Dart survives combat just to come home and get run down.


Shammy: I know what it's like to be in a dark place. I'm guessing you do too.
Magnum: Yeah, we've all been there.

I guess when I need some dad advice, I'll come to you from now on.

Rick [to T.C.]

In the midst of danger, you did your best to keep them safe.

Higgins [to Jin]

Say "totally fine" one more time and I might believe it.

T.C. [to Rick]

Jin: Any news on Zeus and Apollo?
Tech: Not since you asked two minutes ago.

Higgins: We've actually solved cases with less.
Sister Adina: I've heard.

Jin, please don't make me regret this.

Higgins [to Jin]

T.C.: You get my point.
Rick: I get it. No, I don't get it.

Caffeinated beverages are your enemy, wide-mouthed bottles are your friend.

So, you want me to take time away from my business to help you with your business?

Rick [to Magnum]

Magnum P.I. Season 4 Quotes

Higgins: And ...
Ethan: And about to be deservedly frustrated.
Higgins: I did not see that coming.

Magnum: I'm in.
T.C.: That was fast.
Magnum: There was a lot less security than I expected.
Rick: And I expected you to lie about how many security guards you had to take out.