I'm sorry. I don't want to drag you into this, but I'm not coming to you as the Vice President. I'm coming to you as a mother and a grandmother.


See, it's an issue both liberals and conservatives can hate. Best to leave it alone.


Dalton: We're withholding aide to all Tier Three countries.
Elizabeth: Sir, that could have a negative effect on populations. It would be more fair to approach this on a case by case basis.
Dalton: Fair? Women in these countries are being ripped from their homes. I want fairness for them.

It won't be long now. Soon we'll be holding our baby girl in our arms.


Madam Secretary Season 5 Episode 7 Quotes

Dalton: We're withholding aide to all Tier Three countries.
Elizabeth: Sir, that could have a negative effect on populations. It would be more fair to approach this on a case by case basis.
Dalton: Fair? Women in these countries are being ripped from their homes. I want fairness for them.

It won't be long now. Soon we'll be holding our baby girl in our arms.
