Tara: Look, Blanchard's here at the same time you are. That's a coincidence.
Nate: No, no, we hacked into his online appointment schedule. I mean, yes, what a coincidence.

Tara: I checked you out, Mr. Ford. Half your sources say your a vicious thief. The other half claim you're some kind of high-tech vigilante.
Nate: I like that. I should put that on my card.

Parker: There's no way Hardison's gonna be able to break into that vault.
Hardison: What is Hardison gonna do?
Nate: Hardison's gonna pretend to break into the vault.
Eliot: Yeah well, hopefully the Russians will only pretend to kill him!

Sophie: Go to Nate's storage cupboard and you're gonna find a sexy little minidress and my emergency Jimmy Choos.
Parker: Jimmy who? You have a body in Nate's closet?
Sophie: Shoes, Parker!

Eliot: (about Nate) He's fine. We practically had to beg him to come back, all right? He's not drinking, he's at the top of his game. I gotta be honest with you, I can't even believe we pulled this one off.
Sophie: Well, that's the problem, he keeps winning. Every time he wins, he believes a little bit more that he can control...life.
Eliot: It's what gets him through the day.
Sophie: What happens when he loses? Last time he lost, it broke him. He breaks again, I don't think even we could pick up the pieces.

Eliot: How long is this gonna take?
Hardison: As long as it has to take. You know, I was just pulled up to the ceiling of an elevator by my pants so do not take that tone with me!

Parker: You picked his pockets without actually stealing anything. Cool.
Hardison: It's what I do. A man, a phone, no limits.
Eliot: A man, a phone, no action. Come on, man, you left that out there like a hanging curve ball!

Hardison: According to Dr. Jameson, Erik with a K is trying to cover up salmonella found in the frozen dinners so that his division doesn't have to pay out for that recall.
Eliot: That's why I grow my own food.
Sophie: How do you find the time?
Eliot: You make time. I only sleep 90 minutes a day.

Hardison: This is the vice president of the frozen foods division, Erik Casten. Erik with a K, Casten with a C.
Nate: How is that relevant?
Parker: Oh, Eric with a C, nice and friendly. Erik with a K, evil.
Sophie: I didn't know that.
Parker: Everybody knows that.

Eliot: Hardison, we got a problem.
Hardison: What kinda problem?
Eliot: They're MRI'ing my pizza and their stance says ex-CIA.
Hardison: You can tell somebody worked for the CIA just from how they stand?!
Eliot: A very distinctive stance!

Sophie: You definitely have things in common with her.
Nate: Like what?
Sophie: Well, um, she's a scientist and...well, um, you're a bit nerdy, aren't you?
Nate: I'm a bit nerdy?
Sophie: And, food, she works with food.
Nate: She works with food?
Sophie: Well, you eat, don't you?

Parker: Is it just me or has Nate gotten a little sadistic since he quit drinking?
Sophie: Is it just me or does that make him even more attractive?

Leverage Season 2 Quotes

Hardison: I spent three days hacking into the White House emails - no buzz.
Sophie: See?
Hardison: But we are doing some pretty hinky stuff in Pakistan...hinky.
Sophie: Look, I'm miserable, they're miserable. (To Eliot) Okay, what--what have you been doing the last six months?
Eliot: I was in Pakistan.

Eliot: You quit drinking? How'd you know about this place then?
Nate: I rent a condo upstairs.
Eliot: You rent a condo above a bar?
Nate: That's right.
Eliot: Oh, that's very...Catholic.